OnePlus has been teasing its upcoming Android TV for quite some time now. We already know it's slated for release later this year and that it should come with multiple screen sizes. Today, the company officially revealed the device's logo and confirmed its name — after a year-long competition, the best it could come up with was OnePlus TV.

The strategy of leaking out small bits of information through official channels is familiar to OnePlus. Before it announced its first phone, the company released specs bit by bit, generating publicity without spending a dime on traditional advertising. The same appears to be true for the OnePlus TV. In a forum post, the manufacturer explains how it settled on the unique and inspired branding following a naming competition and even rewarded the first person to suggest it. Accompanied by the sleek animation you can see below, OnePlus also describes how it designed the logo, focusing on geometric, blocky shapes while retaining its familiar corporate identity.

It's safe to assume that OnePlus will continue teasing us with more information about the TV in the months leading up to its rumored release at the end of this year. Hopefully, the next announcement will focus on hardware rather than marketing.